Sunday, August 25, 2013

Candy Crush Saga Level 147 new video

{Clear the middle column as fast as u can. When the time bomb started coming down, it will be easier to clear. Create as many combos as possible. Plan your moves. See which are the ones you need to clear. See where your candies are dropping into the next move or if you can anticipate further positions. Sometimes there isn't a need to use up your combo so soon. Position them to your best advantage} This is what I already shared in my original blog post on level 147 
Read through the generic strategies, I would be using that and the above strategy to explain what happens in this new video. 

In applying the generic strategies to level 147, these are the points you should note.
Point 3:: Objective – u need to clear all jellies. And in this level jellies are also under the obstacles. So need to clear all the obstacles as well. Hence normal moves won’t be able to help you achieve this objective, far too many double jellies and obstacles (needing to hit multiple times) >>understanding this – a sure thing is multiple combos needed
Point 1: Selection – need to decide which is the best move to make, based on what is given out, with presence of barriers, combos are necessary, but if no combos can be made? Hit those that can remove as much barriers first.
Point 6: Reshuffle - due to the layout of this level, it is inevitable if the middle column isn’t being removed, there is a high chance there even a simple move cant be made.  Hence reshuffling would come along. But try to make reshuffle faster by making it harder for you to make simpler moves. Reshuffling sometimes comes with welcomed surprises. (The subequent random ordering of candies sometimes helps you remove some obstacles , clear jellies or what's best - create some specials)
Point 2: Positioning – The above points are not in specific orders or sequence, this is one very important aspect, knowing how candies drop after u have made a move or after 2-3 moves. It is as simple as whether you can create a good special (color bomb, horizontal striped candy or wrap – for this particular level) or good combos. But not necessarily only that, you need to be able to also think about further moves if there is no specials to be made. You cant trap yourself into a situation that you cant make any good moves to either open up the barriers or clearing jellies
Point 5b: Time to use specials- this is definitely important, as there are far too many barriers and jellies to clear, position them to your best advantage before using.
Other specials occurring in the game: time bomb – hence necessary to open up middle as soon as possible – to enable you to clear the time bomb. Again it is not necessary to clear them as soon as they appear, still play to the main objective, clear the jellies, you need combos.

In this new video, some examples of application:
1st move is essentially selecting the best to hit out of what is available
2nd move: create special (striped)
3rd move: blue can clear a barrier and with the yellow dropping now the next move I can hit 5 barriers
5-6th move: out of moves , reshuffle, wasted  1 move
8th move: out of moves, reshuffle, wasted another move
10th move: a good move after a good shuffle, domino effect (simultaneous hits)

12th move: the red is chosen as yellow would fall off the top (understanding which candy falls down would be good), and a wrapper created.
13-14th: trying to clear middle, hitting barriers

17th move: trying to use yellow wrapper to clear blue. Utilising green is more economical as yellow wrapper would be exploded when green is activated, and the red bomb going off is an added bonus
The subsequent moves mostly are using economical ways to clear barriers. Only more interesting moves would be discussed.
With 23 moves left, note the middle column is untouched, trying to make a colour bomb out making use of the available 4 purples.
With 17 moves left, a colour bomb is finally created, through careful positioning. And it is together with a orange striped candy
Many people would use colour bomb with striped immediately, however I opted to use them only with 12 moves left, why? Because there are much more barriers to hit, and underlying yet more jellies. I tried to clear as many before using.

With 11 moves left, 4 visible transparent jelly, 1 white jelly and 2 barriers (needed to hit once, before white jellies appearing)
While the next 3 moves is planned, the ability to create a color bomb with 7 moves left is unplanned, again I didn’t use them immediately.  With only 4 moves left, then I utilised the combo, the previous move is essential as it enable all the jellies to be hit. Leaving 2 transparent jellies remaining.
Corners are real hard to hit, it is indeed lucky that I could make 2 striped candies and use them to clear the last 2 jellies. With this it describes point 8 in the generic strategy – Never give up.
And this is for you Sue :)

Candy Crush Saga Level 445

Clear all ingredients
Score 20000 points in 30 moves

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similar to some earlier levels, this level is difficult because of the limited number of moves given, and you need to remove the bombs before the ingredients would appear. There are only 2 ingredient, after 1 is being removed then the other would appear. Concentrate on 1 side, and remember that the ingredients cannot drop down on the 1st and last columns, there are only 4 coloured ingredients, so combo making is easy. Refer here for the video on how the above is being done without booster.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Candy Crush Saga Level 174


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The objective is to clear the jellies, it doesn't make a difference if the top 3 middle jellies are not clear in 20 moves, which is the same as the time bomb.
With limited moves, this level looks daunting, creation of some really good combos will take care of the sides.
The tricky part is the top, there could be 3 ways to do it.
1. A creation of color bomb+striped candy, but pray hard that one of the candies in the top converts to a horizontal striped candy.
2. Creation of a perfectly placed wrap+striped candy perfectly placed near the middle that clears the 3 time bomb/jellies and takes care of many of the remaining jellies on the side
3. Breaking through one side to get to the time bombs, a bit challenging as the number of moves are limited.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

How to set a super high score in candy crush for level 252, a 30 sec time limit game

 Before the game
1. Preferably play it at home. U may need 3 hrs or more (more than 20 million score) to play a level depending on the score u wanted.
2. Set a target, once u hit the targeted score, end the game, as u can play the game indefinitely. As a guide, on average for level 252, u would earn 2 million points every 15 min.
3. No disturbance if u are playing on laptop/pc.

During the game
1. There’s no need to reset any game.
2. Initial stage clear as many blocks as possible, once they open up, simultaneous hits will come along
3. Remember simultaneous hits ( 4 times) will enable u to earn a 5 sec extension. During the first 30 seconds it is crucial not to spend time building a good combo, eg candy+wrapper or chocolate +candy – no matter how many are cleared, they are all considered 1 hit – and they take ages when u start with only 30 secs
4. Take out as many crosses as soon as possible – a horizontal candy will take care of that.
5. Once u passed the first min, game play is easier, as the area that is being opened up increases.
6. To really get high score in a more efficient method during gameplay is again not by using wrapper + candy combo or chocolate + candy combo.
7. Use chocolate to clear off those with the least colours - this is important.
8. Chocolate + wrapper is always a better choice. It clears off the colours of the wrapper, and then another random colour. The probability of another chocolate or even more chocolates appearing increases tremendously. It is also a lot easier to remake a chocolate.
9. Only use wrapper + candy or chocolate + candy as a last resort to clear the map when the map is intermixed with different colours.
10. By doing the above consistency, 95% of the time during game-play, u will have between 20-30 sec indefinitely.
11. Anyone could achieve a high score. And u would be able to achieve any score u targeted for. But of course, though a 100 million score is achievable, do u really want to sit in front of the screen for 12 hours repeating the same thing?
If you are not convinced, watch this video, its 2hrs 26mins long, you only need the first 3 minutes to understand what I wrote.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Candy Crush Saga Level 110

100000 points in 40 moves

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Time bombs are the only thing you need to take care of. Just need to actively create specials and combos along the way

Candy Crush Saga Level 135

20000 points in 50 moves
Collect all orders 1 wrapper

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To effectively and efficiently clear this level, you need to understand about selection, positioning and playing to the objective of this level. Essentially this is in the generic strategy I have written to help any players wanting to achieve high levels in this game without spending a single cent on boosters and without using cheats. 

Candy Crush Saga Level 102

65000 points in 40 moves
Clear all ingredients: 2 hazelnut 2 cherry

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Barriers, time bomb and chocolates are a deadly combo. With time bomb exploding in 5 moves, by the last 2 moves should clear it. However the main idea is to destroy the obstacle as well as chocolate below. Keep in mind that the most combo cannot hit through the black obstacle, hence the chocolate wont be hit. Trick is to make a few vertical striped candy on the top, once u used one, see if any simple candy combination can be used in the bottom to clear the chocolates, else use other verticals to hit.

Candy Crush Saga Level 181


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No two ways about it.
1: Make lots of horizontal candy or candy+wrap combo or bomb+candy xombo

2: clear the top 2 box first than make bomb +candy and pray for vertical candy to appear

Method 1 is easier.
Just play to make games and remember what u need to do to clear the game

Candy Crush Saga Level 109

40000 points in 35 moves
Clear all jellies

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horizontal striped candy is the key. It is all about creating specials or combos when you can 

Candy Crush Level 82

75000 points in 35 moves
Clear all ingredients: 3 hazelnut 2 cherry

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remove the obstacles and get the ingredient down.
Remember that for these black obstacles most combo combination wont hit them, if there are more than 2 rows, a vertical can only hit 1 row. Similarly a horizontal can only clear 1 black obstacle next to it. The only combo combination that can clear everything is the color bomb+color bomb combo.. While it is tough for this level to create that combo, keep this in mind as there will be one level which you need that to help you clear.

Candy Crush Saga Level 431

Clear all ingredients
Score 20000 points in 50 moves

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Not particularly easy nor difficult as there are 50 moves. As per any level, there are endless variations you can do to clear this level. Obviously making a good combo to destroy the barriers would be useful.

Candy Crush Saga Level 430

Collect all orders - 5 color bombs
Score 10,000 points in 50 moves

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Another very straight forward level. Good selection and positioning sense would enable you to create color bombs rather simply.

Candy Crush Saga Level 429

Clear all jellies
Score 105000 points in 50 moves

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To clear this level easily, avoid opening up the top blocks which will release the bombs. Early in the game its not that easy to clear all the jellies and make sure the bombs are not being released.

Candy Crush Saga Level 428

Clear all ingredients
Score 80000 points in 45 moves

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You would have to remove the chocolates in order to play this level. This level is somewhat frustrating as the ingredients would block your path, after you had cleared the chocolates. Not an easy level to clear.
I played to the last move to clear this level.

Candy Crush Saga Level 427

Collect all orders - 12 wrappers
Score 15000 points in 35 moves

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A vertical striped candy or color bomb would get you through to the bottom, when the chain effect sets off, you only need to create a few more wrappers to pass this level. Removal of the wrapper in the middle enables you to create other wrappers more easily.

Candy Crush Saga Level 426

Clear all jellies
Score 45000 points in 45 moves

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A straight forward level in the absence of whirlwind. Do not be alarmed by the chocolate spreading, open up the blocks quickly as there are jellies hidden underneath. With the opened up space, combos could be made easily.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Candy Crush Saga Level 425

Collect all the orders (230 blue, 5 striped+wrapped combo)
Score 45,000 points in 50 moves

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One of the longest game I ever played in candy crush. The 4 time bombs appearing at the last 3 rows make this level one of the most frustrating levels too. With the presence of barriers in the bottom, it makes the first few appearing bombs difficult to clear. You need to be friendly with the whirlwinds, and create as many combos (only 4 colors are present in this level) which are quite easy to make. Clear out the whirlwinds as many times you can with combos. Remember though one of your main objective is 230 blues.

Candy Crush Saga Level 424

Clear all jellies
Score 155000 points in 50 moves

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Clear the barriers on the 2 sides, and the 2 exploding cakes in the bottom. There are jellies beneath them as well. Always try to clear exploding cakes one by one, they can help you take care of jellies as well as barriers. With only 4 colored candies present in this level, specials can be made quite easily, only that the presence of whirlwind makes this level rather challenging. The corners are always difficult to hit.

Candy Crush Saga Level 423

Collect all orders (20 striped candies)
Score 20000 points in 50 moves

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You have to open up the obstacle on top to enable candies to drop, this is similar to some earlier levels. Vertical candies should do the job. If this cant be done, mostly probably you would need to replay the level. The presence of chocolates and whirlwind makes this level more difficult.

Candy Crush Saga Level 422

Clear all ingredients (5 cherries)
Score 50,000 points in 35 moves

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Remove the 3 boxes above before the ingredients can start to appear. But note that barriers also appear along with them. With the barriers, snakelike required movement for ingredients before they can be cleared as well as whirlwinds available, the initial thinking is that this level is intimidating. But far from being difficult, the layout actually helps you to clear the ingredients rather easily without the need to constantly shift them from column to column.

Remove the boxes, clear from the bottom and clear chocolates coming along, just follow the 3 methods and you can easily clear. Heavy duty combos are difficult to create in this level.

Candy Crush Saga Level 421

Collect all orders - 7 striped+striped candies
Score 10000 points in 50 moves

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Use up at least 1 set of the striped candies available. Remember that once you remove an exploding cake, the whirlwind would be destroyed, for a while. Make the precious time available to create the required combo. While clearing all the exploding cakes are not necessary, making more space available would make the whirlwind less intimidating as well as close to the space you are trying to make the required combo.

But anyway, its still thankful only 1 whirlwind is here.

Candy Crush Saga Level 420

Clear all jellies
Score 75000 points in 50 moves

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With 2 whirlwinds and limited open area to play with, this level is also somewhere up there in terms of level of frustration. Nevertheless, we are gamers, just take it, clear the obstacles in the middle, remove the chocolates and clear all the jellies. Open up as fast as you can, and combos are the way to go after that.

Candy Crush Saga Level 419

Collect all orders (100 yellow, 6 wrappers and 2 color bombs)
Score 18000 points in 50 moves

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Nothing new here, remove the barriers as fast as you can. After which make as many combos as you have, always keeping in mind the yellow which you need.

Candy Crush Saga Level 418

Clear all jellies
Score 75000 points in 25 moves

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Remove some barriers, make use of goodies given to you via the mystery eggs and use them to aid you clear the jellies. One whirlwind only provide you with a little nuisance. Remember you just cleared level 417!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Candy Crush Saga Level 417

Clear all ingredients
Score 30,000 points in 40 moves

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Oh no the whirlwinds are back and lots of them. It will be very frustrating, with 7 rows of obstacles to be cleared before they can be cleared, And time bombs keep popping out. This level requires a lot of luck, and we need much assistance from the whirlwinds.

Candy Crush Saga Level 416

Clear all jellies
Score 100,000 points in  35 moves

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Thank god the whirlwind is not present in this level, a straightforward level by this point in time, only need to open up the obstacles as well as take care of the time bomb present. The video present makes good use of domino effect to obtain the objective in only 26 moves.

Candy Crush Saga Level 415

Collect all orders - 10 color bombs
Reach 10000 points in 35 moves

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A bit challenging, and with the presence of a whirlwind (again, luckily only one). Make as many color bombs along the way while you are opening up the obstacles. Make use of available color bombs to help you make additional color bombs.

Candy Crush Saga Level 414

Clear all jellies
Score 55000 points in 40 moves

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The jellies are not a lot but they need to be hit 2 times to clear, the difficulty lies in the layout and presence of a whirlwind (luckily there's only one!)

It would be good to learn how the candies flow down, and lastly, make good use of the color bomb below, or else the whirlwind might take care of it.

Candy Crush Saga Level 413

Bring down all ingredients
Score 100,000 points in 45 moves

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While it may seem difficult at times, with the presence of obstacles and whirlwinds, but with the presence of vertical striped candies and wrappers, in the last 2 rows, this level could still be cleared.

Candy Crush Saga Level 412

Collect all orders 5 striped+striped candies in 25 moves
Score 5000 points

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Again the presence of whirlwinds makes it frustrating, at times they destroy your candies or your next move in making a striped candy. However note that they can be destroyed by any combo you make, but remember, those destroyed will be back, and back real soon.

Candy Crush Saga Level 411

Clear all jellies
Score 150000 points

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With the presence of whirlwinds, it is at times frustrating to clear this level. However be advised that these whirlwinds can be cleared if you combo combination hit it.